Tahji Browne

About Me + Why I'm Here :)

For those of you who don't know me, Hi!!
I'm Tahji, i'm 17 years old and this May I'll be walking 7,000 steps a day to help raise funds and support Australians living with Autism.
This will be my 2nd year doing this and i'm hoping that between now and May I can start to reach my goal and maybe even build a team to do this with. 
For me this is something very close to my heart. My sweet little brother Levi (the little man in my profile pic) was diagnosed with Level 3 ASD (Autism) when he was around 2 or 3 (I'm not 100% sure) and he is the light of my life and the person that can always put a smile on my face even on the worst of days. Level 3 ASD means he has got the highest level of Autism, so he is completely non-verbal and his way of communicating is making up his own signs that me and my mum then have to interpret, he has no understanding of the world around him and honestly just does his Levi things, I often say to my Mum that if everyone was as chill as him the world would be a better place. 

As mentioned this is my 2nd year of participating in Aspect's Walk for Autism to raise funds for the 70% of Autistic Australian's that deal with mental health issues everyday. My brother may only be 5 right now but bringing awareness to Autism now can help people understand what it is. Their brains function so differently to ours in such a beautiful way. 

My hope is that by walking 7,000 steps a day this may wearing my bright green walk for Autism top, is that I can bring awareness to these beautiful people and help make our world more Autism friendly where they feel comfortable to be their authentic selves.

Last year I raised $350 but this year I'm hoping to raise even more, your support could be what helps me reach my goal of $500, whether that be by sharing this page with your friends and family or making a donation, anything big or small is greatly appreciated and is going towards an awesome foundation, helping make our world more Autism inclusive!! 
Thank you !! 

I'm walking 7k steps a day this May to support Autistic Australians

I’ve stepped up to Walk for Autism. Please show your support as I walk my own brilliant way for Autistic Australians and their families!

Did you know? Because the world is not autism-friendly, 70% of Autistic people in Australia experience mental health issues.

That's why I'm walking 7k steps a day in May to fundraise for Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia). Can you please support me?

Your donation will help deliver services that support Autistic people to live their best life.

Funds raised can help Autistic people and their families access earlier diagnosis, provide autism-specific schooling for children on the autism spectrum, support research and help create inclusive, autism-friendly environments.

Please support my Walk for Autism and donate now. Thank you so much!

My Walk Stats



My Goal




Thank you so much to my biggest supporter, Anonymous, for donating a trailblazing $256 to help create a more autism-friendly world.

Thank you for your brilliant donation



Good on you for supporting your brother in this way! This donation is from the whole Taylor family. We hope it really does help a family get the assistance they need.

Stanley Pub


❤️❤️ go Tahji..you always walk the talk.

Alison Copland


Maree Stevens


Great work Tahji! Thanks for bringing awareness to this.

Paula Warren


David Warren


Alicia Odewahn


A wonderful sister and an incredible young lady! Good on you, Tahj!



Nicole Fitzpatrick




Shea O'keefe


Keely Maher


Greta Coghill


Great cause Tahji and thank you from Arlo & Greta

Rachel Henderson


So good, well done 🙏

Aunty Di Coles


Love you sweetheart, always an inspiration so proud of you. Xoxox

Catharina Spring


Go Team Levi ❤️👏👏

Alex Mihaljevic


We have so so much to learn from our beautiful autistic community, and so far to go in building spaces to be more accessible and inclusive but work like this is an awesome ‘step’ forward! Great stuff Tahji!

Sue Hiatt
